Tuesday, April 13, 2010

kicking it up a bit.

Today I started kicking it up again. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I am running twice a day. That is all for today.

kicking it up a bit.

Today I started kicking it up again. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I am running twice a day. That is all for today.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

long time

Well it certainly has been a long time since I posted anything. Spring break and Easter have happened in fact since I posted anything. The two weeks between these two breaks I actually did run but I never got around to posting anything, also it was kind of embarrassing how little I ran.

The funniest story of my spring break greyhound bus trip is this:
On the way back it was 3 in the morning and the next bus left at 6, I had a 3 hour layover in Cincinnati. I just got off the buss and since 7:30 the morning before I have gotten an hour of sleep. I stumble into the bathroom and the first thing I notice is that there are no urinals in this bathroom. In my tired state I just shrug it off and chalked it up to poor civil engineering. so I walk into the closest open stall. I do not shut the door behind me of course. So I am doing as nature dictates we do from time to time. I look down and say to my self, huh that is odd there is a trash can in this stall. Upon further inspection I notice there is a tampon paper in the trash can. The toilet next to me flushes and I see that there are women feet in the stall next to me. I quickly finish my business and leave and go to the men's room to wash my hands.

This morning when I ran I stepped it up a little bit I ran at 7 mph instead of 6. I kept that up for 15 mins and then I walked at 4 mph for 1 min to check my pulse (175 bpm) then I ran at 6 mph for the next 4 mins then 7 but I could not keep 7 mph up so I had to go back to 6. When I had 2 minutes left I ran at 7 again one minute left, 8, 30 seconds left, 9, 15 seconds left 10.9. After that I walked at 4 mph again for 5 minutes. When I was done running my heart rate was 179. Another thing I don't like about the treadmills is that you cannot get your heart rate if you are going over 4 mph which is why I stop at 15 minutes to get my heart rate.

Total this morning I ran 29 minutes and total I was on the treadmill 35 minutes and went 3.62 miles.

Until next time...