Tuesday, April 13, 2010

kicking it up a bit.

Today I started kicking it up again. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I am running twice a day. That is all for today.

kicking it up a bit.

Today I started kicking it up again. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I am running twice a day. That is all for today.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

long time

Well it certainly has been a long time since I posted anything. Spring break and Easter have happened in fact since I posted anything. The two weeks between these two breaks I actually did run but I never got around to posting anything, also it was kind of embarrassing how little I ran.

The funniest story of my spring break greyhound bus trip is this:
On the way back it was 3 in the morning and the next bus left at 6, I had a 3 hour layover in Cincinnati. I just got off the buss and since 7:30 the morning before I have gotten an hour of sleep. I stumble into the bathroom and the first thing I notice is that there are no urinals in this bathroom. In my tired state I just shrug it off and chalked it up to poor civil engineering. so I walk into the closest open stall. I do not shut the door behind me of course. So I am doing as nature dictates we do from time to time. I look down and say to my self, huh that is odd there is a trash can in this stall. Upon further inspection I notice there is a tampon paper in the trash can. The toilet next to me flushes and I see that there are women feet in the stall next to me. I quickly finish my business and leave and go to the men's room to wash my hands.

This morning when I ran I stepped it up a little bit I ran at 7 mph instead of 6. I kept that up for 15 mins and then I walked at 4 mph for 1 min to check my pulse (175 bpm) then I ran at 6 mph for the next 4 mins then 7 but I could not keep 7 mph up so I had to go back to 6. When I had 2 minutes left I ran at 7 again one minute left, 8, 30 seconds left, 9, 15 seconds left 10.9. After that I walked at 4 mph again for 5 minutes. When I was done running my heart rate was 179. Another thing I don't like about the treadmills is that you cannot get your heart rate if you are going over 4 mph which is why I stop at 15 minutes to get my heart rate.

Total this morning I ran 29 minutes and total I was on the treadmill 35 minutes and went 3.62 miles.

Until next time...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring break

Alright so I still don't have pictures of my ipod case yet but tomorrow starts spring break and I will have pictures then. I am getting on a greyhound bus on Sunday and going to maryland where my mom will meet me and we are going to Davis West Virginia and renting a cabin for a few days. Then back to the greyhound bus and Kentucky. Over this break I am going to be running at my regular schedule and I may get to go skiing, both down hill and cross country.

But Before that I have one more class and two more shifts at work.

I don't know how much I will be getting on to post over spring break, so my fellow Asburians, have a good break.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Outside v. treadmill, motivation, weight lifting

OK so I know that I said I would post more on Monday night but I was dead tired, Monday night and Tuesday is not posting day. I still don't have pictures of my ipod thing. But I have a few things to talk about.

Running outside vs. running on a treadmill.
I have already gone over how I feel about the treadmill. Well Tuesday morning Jon did not go running with me and I decided to run outside. Running outside is easier. The actual running is easier but the motivation is much more difficult. On the treadmill there is the motivation of if I stop I am going to fall on my face. That motivation is not there when you are running outside. Also when you run on the treadmill it keeps pace for you. When you run outside the pace is harder to maintain.

When I came to Asbury College my senior year of high school for a visit I visited a class called intro to coaching. This was back when I was going to go to school for PE. In this class they were talking about motivation, the difference between self motivation and team motivation. I am definitely a team motivated person, not a self motivated person. This is ironic because I do not like any team sports with the exception of volley ball, hockey, and lacrosse. I have only enjoyed participating in individual sports.

Weight lifting.
This morning I did some weight lifting instead of running because my legs were incredibly sore from racquet ball last night with Adam, Emily, and Jon. One thing that I did was the back extension. From cross country skiing and the use of ski poles I have a strong back. I put the pin in at the bottom and was lifting the whole stack which was 305 lbs. (no bragging just stating fact) After I was done I got up and left, leaving the pin where it was. Later I was saying to Jon that it is fun to put the pin all the way at the bottom and then watch peoples expressions when they see where the pin is (after you have left). It reminded me of a time in high school. It was sophomore year and at the year end sports banquet I was not good enough to be awarded any thing but they saw potential and gave me a year long membership to a gym. My legs are also strong. Since I could not drive my mom got a membership too and would take me up there we would both work out. I was doing the leg press and I was lifting the whole stack on the leg press machine (I think it was like 250 or something like that) and then I left. My mom got there next and saw it and looked at me and said "did you do this?". It was pretty funny her reaction. you should try it sometime. Even if you do not lift the whole stack when you are done put the pin in the bottom and watch peoples reaction when they see it.

Monday, March 8, 2010


last weeks goals
-Drink 2 Sigg bottles. Failed
-Keep a food journal. Nope
-Finish cleaning my room. My room is clean as far as my stuff is concerned

This weeks goals
-Drink 2 Sigg bottles a day
-Maintain cleanliness in my room
-Keep a food journal

Over the weekend I had a little project. I am working on getting ready to run outside and among these things is acquiring an arm band for my ipod. Well I decided that they are too expensive. So I made one out of duct tape. (pictures to follow tonight probably) Also over the course of last week Asbury College became Asbury University.

Well I will post more tonight.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

OH Canada (Go Canada?)

Here is the thing being a Vermonter I lived 30 minutes from the Canadian border (Quebec border to be exact) and had to actually deal with them, giving me the right to rag on them. Other Americans... not so much. And here is the thing that irritates me, Americans dissing Canada because they WON Gold in hockey in the Olympics.

Here are some of the things that I have heard about the Canadians (these may not be exact quotes)
"Canada it's been ten hours since the game get over it already" (facebook status)
"First, All I have to say Canada" First of all I don't even know what that is suppose to mean (text to Jim Rome)
"Good job Canada, we don't even care about hockey" (another text message to Jim Rome)

OK. So Canada has NEVER won a gold at the games when they have hosted before this year. This year they won 14! Amazing I am so proud of them for that. Hockey is like there national sport or something like that, we should be proud of ourselves for even beating them once and tying them in the second game. "good job Canada, we don't even care about hockey" Obviously we do or we would not have said something like that.

I don't know maybe I am being unreasonable in asking that we respect Canada and be proud of them for winning. I really love Canadians with the exception of the French Canadians that I actually have to deal with. That is all I am going to stop complaining about people griping about the Canadian win.