Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Outside v. treadmill, motivation, weight lifting

OK so I know that I said I would post more on Monday night but I was dead tired, Monday night and Tuesday is not posting day. I still don't have pictures of my ipod thing. But I have a few things to talk about.

Running outside vs. running on a treadmill.
I have already gone over how I feel about the treadmill. Well Tuesday morning Jon did not go running with me and I decided to run outside. Running outside is easier. The actual running is easier but the motivation is much more difficult. On the treadmill there is the motivation of if I stop I am going to fall on my face. That motivation is not there when you are running outside. Also when you run on the treadmill it keeps pace for you. When you run outside the pace is harder to maintain.

When I came to Asbury College my senior year of high school for a visit I visited a class called intro to coaching. This was back when I was going to go to school for PE. In this class they were talking about motivation, the difference between self motivation and team motivation. I am definitely a team motivated person, not a self motivated person. This is ironic because I do not like any team sports with the exception of volley ball, hockey, and lacrosse. I have only enjoyed participating in individual sports.

Weight lifting.
This morning I did some weight lifting instead of running because my legs were incredibly sore from racquet ball last night with Adam, Emily, and Jon. One thing that I did was the back extension. From cross country skiing and the use of ski poles I have a strong back. I put the pin in at the bottom and was lifting the whole stack which was 305 lbs. (no bragging just stating fact) After I was done I got up and left, leaving the pin where it was. Later I was saying to Jon that it is fun to put the pin all the way at the bottom and then watch peoples expressions when they see where the pin is (after you have left). It reminded me of a time in high school. It was sophomore year and at the year end sports banquet I was not good enough to be awarded any thing but they saw potential and gave me a year long membership to a gym. My legs are also strong. Since I could not drive my mom got a membership too and would take me up there we would both work out. I was doing the leg press and I was lifting the whole stack on the leg press machine (I think it was like 250 or something like that) and then I left. My mom got there next and saw it and looked at me and said "did you do this?". It was pretty funny her reaction. you should try it sometime. Even if you do not lift the whole stack when you are done put the pin in the bottom and watch peoples reaction when they see it.

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