Wednesday, March 3, 2010

OH Canada (Go Canada?)

Here is the thing being a Vermonter I lived 30 minutes from the Canadian border (Quebec border to be exact) and had to actually deal with them, giving me the right to rag on them. Other Americans... not so much. And here is the thing that irritates me, Americans dissing Canada because they WON Gold in hockey in the Olympics.

Here are some of the things that I have heard about the Canadians (these may not be exact quotes)
"Canada it's been ten hours since the game get over it already" (facebook status)
"First, All I have to say Canada" First of all I don't even know what that is suppose to mean (text to Jim Rome)
"Good job Canada, we don't even care about hockey" (another text message to Jim Rome)

OK. So Canada has NEVER won a gold at the games when they have hosted before this year. This year they won 14! Amazing I am so proud of them for that. Hockey is like there national sport or something like that, we should be proud of ourselves for even beating them once and tying them in the second game. "good job Canada, we don't even care about hockey" Obviously we do or we would not have said something like that.

I don't know maybe I am being unreasonable in asking that we respect Canada and be proud of them for winning. I really love Canadians with the exception of the French Canadians that I actually have to deal with. That is all I am going to stop complaining about people griping about the Canadian win.

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