Monday, March 1, 2010

Emily Scott

Emily Scott is a friend of mine. She wanted to have a whole post about her like Adam Leopard. Soon she will be Emily Leopard. (notice any connection?) Yes, this summer Emily Scott and Adam Leopard are going to get married. So she will be (this is an assumption I do not know for sure) coming to my hundred mile race with Adam. When we eat dinner with Emily it is always a more interesting, because she is brings a woman's touch to dinner... she wont let me eat out of the trash can, long story. She is an education major doing her student teaching so she often has hilarious stories of little 3rd graders. I think they are 3rd graders I may be wrong. Also I think that the guys tend shape up a little bit when she is around. Last Saturday she had us over to her apartment and we played Mafia (the "card" game). It was a good time until the end when people got tired (it was like 11:00) and sick. This is the party mentioned in the previous post. So there you go Emily, there is your post.

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