Monday, March 1, 2010


-Drink 2 Sigg bottles of water. Success?... maybe. Most days were not but on Saturday I drank 5.
-Eat healthier. I could still use work in this area.
-Invest in some healthy snacks. I bought some crackers to go with my peanut butter, and I bought some cashews. I did not buy to much because before I went shopping because I found out that my mom is coming down for spring break and will bring me some foods.
-Keep a meal journal. Nope. I did not do this at all.
-Clean my room. SUCCESS! my room is in much better order than it was. It could still use some work but most of the trash and clothes are up off the floor.

This weeks goals
-Drink 2 Sigg bottles. Which is actually 1 liter, not 20 oz. for those who are curious and don't know, such as myself, that is a little less than 34 oz.
-Keep a food journal
-Finish cleaning my room. i.e. pick up the papers and organize them.

This week I got sick at the end of the week. That is why I did not update the blog. On Friday I did not feel like it, Saturday I studied then went to a party (?) and on Sunday I was sick and spent a total of half an hour out of bed. I have not run since Friday and don't have much to say.

My total miles minus the first three weeks: 8.87

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