Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I greatly do not like tread mills. For many reasons.
1) you cannot change pace. If you start getting tired you have to change the speed of the tread mill you cannot just slow down.
2) you don't get anywhere. You can run for thirty miles and when you are done you are left standing in the same place.
3) there is no air movement. If you are outside running you move through the air causing wind, you are not actually creating wind but I don't want to argue details. This causes you to cool off. I have a hard time sweating when I run out side but inside I become sweaty and shiny etc.
4) lets say your intestines are creating lots of methane gas and become so full they cannot contain it. If you are running on a tread mill you cannot escape the odor.

I will soon be running outside but I need to get a reflective vest so I can run early in the morning and wont get hit my a car.

It snowed here in Kentucky today. Being from Vermont I wish people would not complain and I wish that there was snow worth complaining about.

(just a note for myself) 5.76

1 comment:

  1. My mom wants to post a comment and cannot figure it out so I am trying to help her figure it out.
