Monday, February 8, 2010

The Beginning

I am a college sophomore. In high school I ran cross country and did cross country skiing. My ski coach asked me to come volunteer one summer at the "Vermont 100". This is Vermont's long distance endurance race, 100 miles. Now that I am in college I have been inspired to run my own 100 mile race. My 10 year goal is to run an Ultra Marathon. Between now and then I will run many other races, marathons, half-marathons, 30's and 50's. For those of you who are interested, this is my journey.

I don't know how I am going to do this how often I will keep this updated but I will attempt to update daily and use this as a bit of a training journal for you all to follow if you like and I will do my best to make it interesting.

So tonight I consider day 1 of my training. I ran for 30 minutes. In the future entries will be more in-depth and interesting. Tonight we are watching "Fight Club" going to bed early and getting up early to go to Denny's for their free grand slam breakfast, some home work, and then another run. Then I will write more about my goals and myself. Good night

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