Monday, February 15, 2010


Goals are very important in life. Without goals we will get nowhere in life because we will have nowhere to go. Short term goals are just as important as long term goals. Our short term goals help us to achieve our long term goal. So my long term is fairly obvious, participate in a 100 mile race in ten years or less. As far as short term goals go, I have to run a few fifty milers to be able to participate in the 100, But that is some what a long term goal as well. As far as short term goals I want to participate in a half marathon in a few months, I don't think that I will be able to run the whole thing but I want to run it any way if I can find a ride. Now onto REAL short term goals, every week on Monday I am going to post weekly goals.
This weeks goals
Drink two water bottles of water everyday. (I believe that I have a 21 oz. bottle)
- Run every morning. (I missed a few days last week)
Eat more healthily, this means trying not to eat fried foods and having a salad at least once a day.

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