Monday, February 15, 2010

toenail loss (not for the faint of heart)

The first week of this semester I was helping a friend rearrange the way his bed was set up and I dropped a bed support on my toe. With in an hour it looked like this.Yeah it hurt. By the end of the day it was worse.
Over night my toe swelled and the bruising was even worse. I went to the college health clinic and they said I should go tot the Urgent Treatment Center in Nicholasville and they would burn a whole through my toenail and release the blood that was pooled under the nail and that would release the pressure and make it feel better. So I did that and now my toenail has fallen off and the new one is growing back in. Running was interesting when it was still falling off but not to bad now that it has actually fallen off. Fortunately there was not a whole lot of time between when I got inspired to train for an ultra and when the toe nail fell off.

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