Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Early Mornings

I missed running last night. So today I had to get up early and run in the morning instead. I woke up at 5:45 and was at the Luce (Asbury College's physical activities center) at 6:15, I thought that was when they open but I think that I could actually go up earlier even. Friend Jon Drake came up with me and worked out. The run was actually much more successful at 6 in the morning than at 8 at night and I think that will be the standard time of action. After the run we returned to the dorm, showered and went to breakfast where we were joined by friends Josiah Sage and Zac Siele. New running development, as if running was not painful enough for me, I lost my left big toenail today. More on that story tomorrow and pictures too.

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